
​ The price of Herba Sophorae Alopecuroidis slips in Hongsibao District, Wuzhong City, Ningxia Province

source:Yaotongwang  To view:1783times  time:2022-09-26 11:29:25.0


     The source of Herba Sophorae Alopecuroidis seeds is still abundant. Recently, many merchants have been looking for goods. However, due to the impact of the epidemic, the supply of goods is not easy to go out, and the price has slipped slightly, the current standard loading price is around 9.5 yuan, and the high-quality goods are around 10 yuan.

(This information is provided by Mr. Ma 17395534473, Information Station, Hongsibao District, Wuzhong City, Ningxia Province)

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