
​ Small production of Magnoliae Flos in Nanzhao County, Nanyang City, Henan Province

source:Yaotongwang  To view:1986times  time:2022-09-26 11:33:34.0


  Magnoliae Flos began to produce a small amount of new flowers. It is expected that the Xinyi tree will enter a new period of mass production after the leaves fall around October 15. Due to the drought in the production area in June, the flowering phenomenon will appear in some places with thin soil. According to the comprehensive assessment, this year's output will be less than last year. The small peach is currently around 37 yuan, the big peach is around 38 yuan, and the selected product is around 46 yuan. Since it is the early stage of new production, the supply is less, and the market outlook remains to be seen.

Mr. Wang 18625685099

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